Alcoholic cirrhosis

Alcoholic cirrhosis

Images and text Genevieve Carbonatto A 54 year old man presents to the Emergency Department with abdominal pain and jaundice. He has a distended abdomen. He is known to have alcoholic cirrhosis. A point of care ultrasound was performed. The following demonstrates some of the basic features of cirrhosis with ultrasound. Liver size, increased echogenicity Read more about Alcoholic cirrhosis[…]

Cavernous haemangioma

Cavernous haemangioma

Images and text Genevieve Carbonatto An abdominal ultrasound is performed on a young woman for right upper quadrant pain. This is what is seen while scanning through the liver This is a cavernous haemangioma. It looks like a snowball on ultrasound. Characteristics of haemangiomas: Blood filled cavernous space lined with a single layer of flat Read more about Cavernous haemangioma[…]

Right ventricular thrombus

Right ventricular thrombus

Images and  text Genevieve Carbonatto A 35 year old man presents to the Emergency Department with severe shortness of breath. He is known to have an amphetamine induced cardiomyopathy. His heart rate is 129/min, BP 116/76. He has mild pedal oedema. His JVP is elevated and on auscultation he has crepitations bilaterally. You decide to Read more about Right ventricular thrombus[…]

Pitfall: Blood clots and ruptured ectopic pregnancy

Pitfall: Blood clots and ruptured ectopic pregnancy

Images and text Genevieve Carbonatto It is a busy Thursday evening in the Emergency Department. There is no place to put patients and assess them.  The only bay which may be available is occupied by a lady who  refuses to leave the bay because she feels so ill. You call the nurses and together you Read more about Pitfall: Blood clots and ruptured ectopic pregnancy[…]

Pitfall: Painless ruptured ectopic pregnancy

Pitfall: Painless ruptured ectopic pregnancy

Images Mark Russel, text Genevieve Carbonatto A 35 year old women  presents to the Emergency Department for a review of a possible ectopic pregnancy. She is 7 weeks pregnant by dates. An outpatient scan was performed the day before for painless vaginal bleeding . It did not show an intrauterine gestational sac. A complex left Read more about Pitfall: Painless ruptured ectopic pregnancy[…]

Assessment of Pericardial effusion

Assessment of Pericardial effusion

Text and images Genevieve Carbonatto Pericardial effusions are commonplace. A pericardial effusion is not synonomous with pericardial tamponade. Pericardial tamponade is a medical emergency characterised by shock and associated with a number of clinical criteria including Becks triad (hypotension, decreased heart sounds, elevated JVP) pulsus paradoxus ( > 12 mmHg drop in BP on inspiration), Read more about Assessment of Pericardial effusion[…]

Pitfall – Stones in the gall bladder – Adenomyomatosis

Pitfall – Stones in the gall bladder – Adenomyomatosis

Images Ying Ying Lee, text Genevieve Carbonatto A 44 year old man presents with acute right upper quadrant pain. A point of care ultrasound is performed to exclude a biliary cause. While scanning the patient in the supine position, stones are visible in the body of the GB which do not move when the patient Read more about Pitfall – Stones in the gall bladder – Adenomyomatosis[…]