Aortic Dissection – Stanford Type A

Aortic Dissection – Stanford Type A

Echo images Matthew Oliver (Emergency Physician) Text Genevieve Carbonatto There is a BAT call. The ambulance are bringing in a man with severe back pain. 5 minutes later a 70 year old man is wheeled into the rescusitation room. He is in severe distress. He states he was lifting a box when he developed severe Read more about Aortic Dissection – Stanford Type A[…]

Aortic Dissection – Stanford Type A

Echo images Matthew Oliver (Emergency Physician) Text Genevieve Carbonatto There is a BAT call. The ambulance are bringing in a man with severe back pain. 5 minutes later a 70 year old man is wheeled into the rescusitation room. He is in severe distress. He states he was lifting a box when he developed severe Read more about Aortic Dissection – Stanford Type A[…]

Air: subcutaneous emphysema vs pneumothorax

Air: subcutaneous emphysema vs pneumothorax

Images and text Genevieve Carbonatto A 66  year old presents to the Emergency Department after a fall onto her right chest wall. She had slipped in her bedroom and landed backwards onto a cabinet in her bedroom . She is in great pain on arrival to ED. This is her ultrasound where there is clinically Read more about Air: subcutaneous emphysema vs pneumothorax[…]

Dr Lichtenstein: Whole body ultrasound

Dr Lichtenstein: Whole body ultrasound

  Dr Daniel Lichtenstein spent a weekend in Australia to talk about whole body ultrasound with a special emphasis on lung ultrasound. It was a fabulous weekend and 12 of us had the opportunity of scanning with him on the wards. Lung ultrasound seems at times so simple, yet when an expert is there to Read more about Dr Lichtenstein: Whole body ultrasound[…]

Cardiomyopathy – Postpartum Shortness of Breath

Cardiomyopathy – Postpartum Shortness of Breath

Images and text Genevieve Carbonatto History: A young 32 year old lady presents to the Emergency Department SOB (short of breath). She is 4 weeks postpartum and was well during her pregnancy. She did not suffer from pre eclampsia during or just after her pregnancy. The baby was born by Caesarian section. She descibes being Read more about Cardiomyopathy – Postpartum Shortness of Breath[…]

Bacterial Endocarditis – Aortic valve

Bacterial Endocarditis – Aortic valve

Images Genevieve Carbonatto. Text Genevieve Carbonatto A young man presents to the Emergency Department with SOB (shortness of breath). He has been sent in by his flatmates because he is so unwell. They leave as soon as he presents to triage. He is an intravenous drug abuser, but says he hasn’t taken anything  for 2 Read more about Bacterial Endocarditis – Aortic valve[…]

FAST – Focus on the RUQ – False +ve

FAST – Focus on the RUQ – False +ve

Text and images  Genevieve Carbonatto There is a BAT call. A young 35 year old has fallen from a 3 story building and essentially landed on his feet.  He has extensive leg injuries and possible chest and abdominal injuries. BP 95/60 HR 110/min RR 25/min Saturating 96% on RA. The trauma team is called. The Read more about FAST – Focus on the RUQ – False +ve[…]