Lobar pneumonia

Lobar pneumonia

Images by Matthew Oliver 3 days of cough and sore throat. 2 days of headache, fever and anorexia. Chest Xray shows right upper lobe pneumonia Ultrasound shows lung consolidation. the consolidated area looks like solid tissue. The bright  hyperechoic areas are lung bronchograms. B lines due to interstitial fluid can be seen adjacent to the Read more about Lobar pneumonia[…]

Normal chest Xray small area of consolidation and small pleural effusion

Normal chest Xray small area of consolidation and small pleural effusion

Images by Genevieve Carbonatto This young man presented with a one week history of cough and a 2 day history of a very localised chest pain. His chest Xray films were unremarkable        His ultrasound was interesting Just at the point of his pain, there is a break in the pleural line suggesting Read more about Normal chest Xray small area of consolidation and small pleural effusion[…]

Pulmonary oedema

Pulmonary oedema

Image Genevieve Carbonatto  Widespread B lines originating from the pleural line Acute pulmonary oedema The causes of an interstitial syndrome includes, pulmonary edema of various causes, interstitial pneumonia or pneumonitis and diffuse parenchymal lung disease (pulmonary fibrosis) The clinical scenario will help differentiate between them. There are subtle sonographic differences however. B lines are seen in Read more about Pulmonary oedema[…]

Chronic interstitial syndrome

Chronic interstitial syndrome

Images Genevieve Carbonatto According to the 2012 International evidence-based recommendations for point-of-care lung ultrasound, diffuse parenchymal lung diseases have as sonographic findings, pleural line abnormalities (irregular,fragmented pleural line) and subpleural abnormalities (small echo – poor areas) and B lines  in non homogenous areas. The following images are from a man with severe chronic interstitial syndrome. The Read more about Chronic interstitial syndrome[…]