Large cervical node

Large cervical node

Images by Genevieve Carbonatto Characteristics of normal cervical nodes on ultrasound include Size < 6mm Flat or oval shape Hypoechoic echotexture Hilum is present and can be seen with colour Doppler if the node is > 5mm         Veins and efferent lymphatics  leave the node through the hilum while arteries enter the node Read more about Large cervical node[…]

Deep buttock abscess.

Images by Genevieve Carbonatto    A patient presented  to the Emergency with a very painful right buttock. There was no area of erythema and the buttock was not enlarged . It was however intensely painful to move the right leg. To investigate what might be happening beneath the subcutaneous tissue, ultrasound was used. This is a Read more about Deep buttock abscess.[…]

Infected breast sebaceous cyst

Images and text by Genevieve Carbonatto A patient presents with a small painful breast lump. This is her ultrasound The cyst is well circumscribed , is associated with posterior acoustic shadowing and has a number of internal echos suggesting sediment. Cyst measures I.48 cm X 2.31cm Discussion Features of sebaceous cysts on ultrasound (1) Located in Read more about Infected breast sebaceous cyst[…]

2 year old, ruptured appendix

Images Genevieve Carbonatto Severely unwell febrile 2 year old presenting with abdominal tenderness and rebound Features of appendicitis Thickened appendix Faecolith Free fluid in RLQ indicating rupture incompressible ” creeping fat” hyperechoic mesentary Incompressible appendix. a complex structure abuts the appendix ? abscess . Appendicolith appears just at the end of the clip with free Read more about 2 year old, ruptured appendix[…]