In vitro fertilisation, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, 4 weeks pregnant

In vitro fertilisation, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, 4 weeks pregnant

Images by Genevieve Carbonatto A patient presents to the Emergency department with severe abdominal pain. She is 4 weeks pregnant . Thus is an IVF pregnancy. She has ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.The ovary measures 14.7 cm X 9.38 cm.It is polycystic. There is a large amount of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. The gestational sac not yet Read more about In vitro fertilisation, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, 4 weeks pregnant[…]

Unruptured left ectopic 7 weeks

  Images by Genevieve Carbonatto A 7 week pregnant lady presents to the Emergency department with spotting. A scan through the pelvis demonstrates an empty uterus and what looks like a CL cyst or an ectopic tubal pregnancy in the left adnexa. Colour Doppler demonstrates a “ring of fire”  appearance. This can be present around a Read more about Unruptured left ectopic 7 weeks[…]

Very large uterine fibroid in patient with an early intrauterine pregnancy

Images by Genevieve Carbonatto A 34 year old woman presented to the Emergency department with a at 6 weeks gestation with a palpable suprabupic mass and vaginal spotting. This is her scan.  Small gestational “squashed’ by very large fibroid Small “squashed” gestational sac with fetal pole, active HB and round yolk sac visible Focus on gestational Read more about Very large uterine fibroid in patient with an early intrauterine pregnancy[…]

Twins, single gestational sac, 9 weeks

Twins, single gestational sac, 9 weeks

Images by Genevieve Carbonatto A 9 week pregnant lady presents to the Emergency department with PV spotting. Her scan shows a  retroverted uterus and  twin pregnancies within one gesttaional sac. These are monozygotic twins. It is difficult to identify each twin seprately but there are definately 2 heart beats visible which can both berecorded using M Read more about Twins, single gestational sac, 9 weeks[…]

Ruptured CL cyst, intrauterine pregnancy 7 weeks

Ruptured CL cyst, intrauterine pregnancy 7 weeks

  Images Genevieve Carbonatto A 7 week pregnant patient presents with acute onset abdominal pain. She has not had a scan before. Her scans show a large CL cyst, a small amount of fluid in the pouch of Douglas and an intrauterine pregancy Longitudinal view through pelvis.  Large CL cyst seen superior to bladder, small Read more about Ruptured CL cyst, intrauterine pregnancy 7 weeks[…]

6 weeks, intrauterine gestational sac

6 weeks, intrauterine gestational sac

Images by Genevieve Carbonatto A patient presents to the Emergency department 6 weeks pregnant. This is her scan Longitudinal view : Intrauterine gestational sac. Fanning through the uterus in the transverse plane: Intrauterine gestational sac   Sac diameter 1.05cm. A fetal pole and heart beat should be visible if the mean gestational sac diameter is 2.5 cm Read more about 6 weeks, intrauterine gestational sac[…]

7 weeks pregnant. Intrauterine pregnancy

7 weeks pregnant. Intrauterine pregnancy

Images by Genevieve Carbonatt0    PV spotting. Intrauterine pregnancy. Gestational sac + yolk sac visible Gestational sac clearly intrauterine. Yolk sac and fetal pole present Round yolk sac and fetal pole with heart beat visible when fanning across the gestation sac in zoomed view Fetal HB better visualised on zoomed view of gestational sac       Read more about 7 weeks pregnant. Intrauterine pregnancy[…]