

Images by Genevieve Carbonatto   Parasternal long axis of the left ventricle, (PLAX) demonstrating dilated LV, right ventricle, (RV) and left atrium, (LA).  LV contractility in this view is moderate to  severely impaired with some preservation of the IVS  motion. Measurement of internal diameter of LV at end diastole. Parasternal long axis view of LV with Read more about Cardiomyopathy[…]

Bicuspid Aortic valve

Bicuspid Aortic valve

Images by Genevieve Carbonatto A young 23 year old man presents to the Emergency Department with chest pain. A point of care ECHO is performed. An incidental finding of a bicuspid aortic valve is found. Parasternal long axis of left ventricle (PLAX) showing that the aortic valve closure is eccentric. It  closes more towards the right Read more about Bicuspid Aortic valve[…]

Gallstones in 4 month old

Gallstones in 4 month old

Images and text by Genevieve Carbonatto and Jeremy Fry Name changed to protect patient confidentiality. Sam was 4 months old when he was brought by his parents to the ED. He presented with acute onset of crying and distress which awoke him from sleep. He was grunting and drawing his knees up to his chest. He Read more about Gallstones in 4 month old[…]

TB cardiomyopathy – All done and dusted?

TB cardiomyopathy – All done and dusted?

Ultrasound Images and text by Genevieve Carbonatto Case History A 60 year old man presented to ED with a one day history of severe SOB on the background of a 2 month history of increasing SOB. He was so breathless that it was an effort to walk 3 to 4 metres. He had recently returned from Read more about TB cardiomyopathy – All done and dusted?[…]

Aortic endoleaks

Aortic endoleaks

Images and text by Genevieve Carbonatto An 85 year old presented to our Emergency Department with light headedness fatigue and SOB. BP 90 systolic on arrival, HR 100/min Bloods:  haemoglobin of 78g/l, creatinine of 172micromol/l and urea of 13.9mmol/l. Haemoglobin 3 weeks prior to admission 90g/l. Past history of AAA endovascular repair 4 years ago, history Read more about Aortic endoleaks[…]

Intussusception – The doughnut sign or target sign, the pseudokidney sign

Intussusception – The doughnut sign or target sign, the pseudokidney sign

Images and text by Genevieve Carbonatto Case history A 42 year old man presented to the Emergency department at 4.00 am with a history of sudden onset central abdominal pain since 2.00 am. The pain was constant, in fact, it was getting worse. It was not associated with vomiting. He had opened his bowels 4 times Read more about Intussusception – The doughnut sign or target sign, the pseudokidney sign[…]