Question 7 : Pericardial effusion

Question 7 Describe the possible echo findings in a patient with pericardial effusion 1. Distribution Circumferential Loculated 2. Echogenicity Anechoic Echoic depending on it’s composition (blood may be echoic, pus also) May be associated with fibrin strains if chronic 3. Size small < 1cm moderate 1 cm – 2 cm large > 2 mm Measurement Read more about Question 7 : Pericardial effusion[…]

Question 8 : ECHO 2 days post AMI

Question 8 A 50 year old man presents 2 days post AMI with hypotension. You are about to scan him looking for a cause. Outline possible ultrasound findings 1. Global LV regional abnormality Reduced fractional shortening of LV . Not accurate in regional wall abnormalities/aneurysms/ LBBB Simpson’s method 4 and 2 chamber views assesses cardiac Read more about Question 8 : ECHO 2 days post AMI[…]

Question 9: Assessment of LV function

Question 9 How can  ECHO be used to assess LV function? LV function can be assessed in the following ways Fractional shortening “Eyeballing“ of LVF Ejection fraction (EF) – Simpson method Stroke volume Systolic index of contractility dP/dt Longitudinal contraction using tissue Doppler  MAPSE 1. Fractional shortening: Measures the “squeeze “ of the LV . Read more about Question 9: Assessment of LV function[…]

Question 10: Ultrasound in cardiac arrest

Question 10: Ultrasound in cardiac arrest

A 45 year old patient presents in cardiac arrest . What is the ultrasound approach to this patient? The approach to the patient in cardiac arrest is based on assessment of the 4 F’s  (fluid, form, function and filling) of the heart to assess for potentially reversible causes of cardiac arrest, to assess prognosis and Read more about Question 10: Ultrasound in cardiac arrest[…]

Question 1 : Purchase of ultrasound machine and credentialing

Question 1  You have been asked to assist in the purchase of a new ultrasound machine for your department. a) Describe five (5) steps you would take to gather information for this purchase. (5 marks) 1. Decide on your needs: Size of machine, complexity (Doppler/2D), image quality, ability to store images, ease of use (quick Read more about Question 1 : Purchase of ultrasound machine and credentialing[…]

Question 2 : Renal colic

Question 2 You are a consultant in charge in a tertiary emergency department at 2300 hrs. You overhear a junior medical officer who recently commenced night shift- asking a nursing staff member to arrange the discharge of a 72 year-old man, whom he has diagnosed with renal calculi. Nursing staff express their concerns with you as Read more about Question 2 : Renal colic[…]

Question 4: Pericardial effusion/PE/Sepsis

Question 4.  Describe abnormalities that you could expect to see on a focused ultrasound scan of a heart in Pericardial Effusion PE Sepsis Percardial effusion • Echofree space if effusion anechoic within pericardial space. Effusion may be echoic if it is blood or pus • Effusion may be circumferential or loculated • Effusion may have Read more about Question 4: Pericardial effusion/PE/Sepsis[…]

Question 5 : Early pregnancy

Question 5 What findings on transvaginal ultrasound would indicate ectopic pregnancy should be considered? • Empty uterus – no gestational sac • May have pseudosac – blood collection in uterus • Complex adnexal mass • May see ectopic pregnancy “ bagel sign” +/- Corpus luteal cyst which is often ipsilateral to the ectopic pregnancy • Read more about Question 5 : Early pregnancy[…]